
Sunday 19 May 2024

A Poem a Day (668): Cabin crew

Prompt from NaPoWriMo – Today, I’d like to challenge you to blend these concepts into your own work, by producing a poem that meditates, from a position of tranquillity, on an emotion you have felt powerfully. You might try including a dramatic, declarative statement, like Hass’s “All the new thinking is about loss,” or O’Hara’s “It is easy to be beautiful; it is difficult to appear so.” Or, like, Baudelaire, you might try addressing your feeling directly, as if it were a person you could talk to. There are as many approaches to this as there are poets, and poems.

Cabin crew

The cabin crew know it’s grown small,
full circle, sinking in shallow water,
these wood, stripped walls closing in,
bended, rounded, echoes of past sound,
they creak away this endless night.
Life on pause sleeps snug and waits.
Skewed, angst-stormed moon creeps up
to hang upon this shroud of cloud.
Fiery sparks of gold dance in formation,
cast kaleidoscopes of fate to scribble down,
simulate fairy lights in a Christmas town.
We only need the fae in filagree to sing.
Purest light will hold its sword sheathed,
suck up every strewn casted shadow.
We stand on the edge of endless mist,
our ancestors expectant in our stead.
In the distancing, a wounded bridge lifts,
trembles in its aged, rusted, iron skin.
Born from water, we can only adhere,
drawn as full as we are, our emotions
streaming from the Ace of Cups.
A glance back is all it takes sometimes.
In earth, we hibernate below the tumult,
bow down into our wordless dreaming.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, May 19, 2024

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