
Monday, 24 September 2012

MondayMogsy: places to sleep 2

Today's bloggy bit is going to very short and sweet cos I had to endure the London Tube in the rush hour today for the first time in months... and it was a shock! I'm mashed!

Cue something cute... Mogsy... 

Here she is doing her best PlayCat pose, complete with 'you really want to stroke me, yes you do' eyes and 'catfood wouldn't melt in my mouth' expression.

I'm not sure if this is unusual for a cat and only Mogsy's thing, but she loves her paws tickled! Seriously! The only cat I've ever had who likes this. If I tickle her paws, I get the full-on roly-poly action and lots of purrs, dreamy eyes and wriggling.

After a weird outbreak of excema that lasted a year or so, I finally got to see a specialist. Guess what? He thinks I'm suddenly allergic to my cat... after all this time. He told me to 'get rid of the cat'! Imagine? And he also said 'I know it won't be great for the cat...' Hell no, mew no. There's no way. The cat is staying! After 13 years, we're like family. Allergies or no allergies!


  1. It is far easier to find a new doctor than a new cat. Doubt you're "suddenly" allergic to your cat. I'd first consider in new things in your environment. Any new foods, clean products, furniture? New clothes? You've had the cat a lot longer than the doctor, after all.

    1. Hee hee! He's a specialist. He laughed when I said there's no way I'm getting rid of my cat. I've got to go for a blood test for cat dander! I didn't even know there was such a thing!! I asked for food tests, etc, but he refused! Not that I have little faith in the system... :)

  2. When I had that terrible rash, my doctor asked about the dogs. My response,"Sorry, the dogs stay.I'll put up the rash." Luckily the rash turned out to be medicine related. It's easier to get rid of my meds than my kids.

    1. I remember! It's funny how some blame whatever animal you have. I reckon it's a cop out! I think one other doc and this guy, who is a dermatologist, said to get rid of my cat. Funny how they say it as if you'd just be going for a hair cut or something! You should have seen my face. I sort of spluttered and thought mmm, I bet he's never had a pet. Then he told me "there's lots of other pets you could have"! I guess he meant to buy a stuffed one! Or knit one! :)

  3. Is he a dermatologist or an allergist? An allergist will always look for allergy to be the problem first. Which is backwards, the first thing any specialist should do is work to prove it is something else. That way they can pass you along to the next schmuck on the list. Only half kidding here. I also thing he should have done skin scrapings of the rash to rule out reaction to some an organism like a bacteria. When that blood test comes back inconclusive he will likely still say its cat dander rather than admit he was wrong.

    1. He's a dermatologist. I had excema when I was a baby, so that's the thing. You always have it, so at some time it comes back. Last June it came back double-time and kept getting infected! Cue me looking like something from a flick about lizards from Mars! Anyway, I saw 2 docs at one practice, 3 docs at the next one for a year while they "just tries this and that..." and then I saw one dermatologist who did the swabs and tests in June. Then I had to wait until September for the hospital dermatologist!! Big waiting list. Hello NHS. So I got about half an hour with him. The thing is, not to be funny, but I often think the male docs just don't listen to women! I once had a good female dermatologist who did allergy tests, but so far, all 7 of these people have said I don't need them. I can't stroke my cat for long or pick her up cos it makes my skin so sore, but I think that's cos it's damaged at the moment. Even red wine and some beer is making me flare up, but the guy didn't listen to that. He said "Oh you're doing your own food allergy tests there in getting an immediate response" type of thing! I wanted to say jackass, but with a waiting list of 3 months, you can't! Ah, to be rich and go private! :)

    2. But anyway, Mogsy's not going anywhere! She's gorgeous, funny, soppy, crazy, cute and a big de-stress on a bad day :)


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