
Friday, 28 September 2012

The Indie Exchange #FlashFiveFriday: Backbone

It's Friday Flash time again...

The prompt is...

#FlashFiveFriday is a weekly flash fiction/flash blogging prompt run by The Indie Exchange.

The rules are very simple if you’d like to take part:
1) Write for no longer than five minutes;
2) No upper or lower word limits;
3) You must write something new;
4) You can prepare your post ahead of time but the 5 minute limit still applies; and
5) If you add your blog post to the weekly linky you must visit five other blogs that week too to show your support.

Why not give it a go?

Here is mine - 


through wintry vistas
she stops and takes the view
socks waving in the breeze
that shakes the cherry blossom
heavy boughs hanging low
it drags towards the ground

along the jagged fence he strides
head bobbing, feathers blowing,
balancing like a man on a wire
his little black eyes stare her way
orbs twinkling in the cold sun
hoping for a peck or two

she smiles, leaves her tea,
collects some bread from the box
tears it into pieces small enough
to fill the robin's wee soul
tossing it outside, she runs back
to watch him, quietly from afar

hopping and pecking in delight
too short the time he spends
then off he flies into the blue
she sighs and stares into nothing
dreaming of far-off places
where her friend may have flown

she fears the solitude that lies
ahead in the hours neverending
all the same, copied over
she wishes to fly, so far away
to distant climes and waking suns
where she could find herself anew

endless roads, mountains high
fleeting glances from passers by
softly she traces her memories
hugging her mug against her
wishing she could fly just once
wishing she had the backbone

Some of the comments below (3) are for last week's poems, but I screwed up and overwrote them! Sorry! Sigh!


  1. Each of them conjures an image. I loved the first. It reminds me of being that age when playing in the rain was fun.

    1. Thanks Gregory! It made me think of that scene from 'It'! It must have been stuck in my brain! :)

  2. Oh Vickie, I love your poems so much. They either leave me touched, smiling or both! Thank you so much for taking part in #FlashFiveFriday!

    1. Thanks Donna! Thanks for the prompts - they get me off my lazy butt! :)

  3. Great poems Vickie. Sunbeams was my favourite :)

    1. Thanks. I was thinking of the nature garden at the Natural History Museum in London. Me and a friend watched the blue dragonflies there, struggling to get good photos, and the pond has lily pads.

  4. Beautiful poem Vickie.

    Love the imagery. Just fantastic.

  5. What a beautiful poem, Vickie! A perfect way to use this prompt and tie it in with the changing seasons!

  6. Imagery! Masterful imagery. Not many poets have your talent for it. Well done!

    1. Thanks Gregory. I really appreciate that. I wish everyone thought so :))


Thanks for commenting :)