
Thursday, 11 April 2013

A Poem a Day (22): Why

Morning! Today's 5-minute poem is inspired by the prompt from Robert Lee Brewer in the Reader's Digest April PAD Challenge (day 10). The prompt is suffering.

If you want to join in with the challenge, here is the link:

Here's my effort -


He sits shaking in the cold
Waiting for the morning
Drooling for some water
Yearning for some feeling
But none will come now
In this impenetrable dark
Where his only companion
Is the cage

He stares across the dirt
Lying clumped on concrete
Wishing he was elsewhere
Wanting his world to change
Almost desiring his death
But no one can help him now
In this oppressive dark -
Stolen away, his new home
Is the cage

Scuffing his black-furred paws
He stares at the missing claws
Waiting for the man to come
Wishing that he never would
Clearly desiring his death -
All they want is to drain him
Keep him here, locked away
Chained with a ring in his nose
In the cage

copyright Vickie Johnstone

1 comment:

  1. Oh, makes my heart hurt so much! I will never understand how anyone can do this to an animal. I love all of mine so much. They add such depth to my life.


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