
Friday, 19 April 2013

A Poem A Day (23) - a trio

Morning! Sorry I haven't posted for so long. It's been a very busy past week. I went to the London Book Fair on Monday, which was cool and hoped to go back, but time has seemed to sail away this week! You know how that goes!! 

Anyway, having missed doing my 5-minute Poem A Day, so I've just written 3 in a row. They are inspired by the prompts from Robert Lee Brewer in the Reader's Digest April PAD Challenge. If you want to join in with the challenge, here is the link:

Day 18 - prompt 'I am'

I am

I am
As the day finds me
Wandering through
Beneath the sun’s rays
Beyond the lines
Of grey buildings

I am
In the spaces between
Where things crawl
The skin twitches
Eyes open wide
In the morning fresh

I am
As the birds fly high
So the clouds chase
Ever turning moments
Find me
Waiting here

I am
Where the ocean roars
And the wind howls
As night falls
A curved moon rises
So I go to sleep

Day 17 – prompt 'express/expression'

Express Man

The brown envelope curls
At the edges;
Thumbed and worn.
It bears a single stamp
To reveal the tale -
Someone struck it there,
Sealed it closed,
Wrote upon the surface
In straggled prose.

I wonder as it sits
On the table’s edge
Waiting eagerly for me
To slide my finger along
The sealed edges,
What will I find inside?

Hearing the engine roar
Outside the window
Of the postman leaving,
My attention breaks
But not for long -
This writing seems familiar
In its constant curl,
Resurrecting the ache of
Memories long hidden.

My finger hovers along
The top, my breathing rises
And I back away.
It’s time for a cup of tea
Before I open this door
Full of distant echoes.

Day 16 – prompt 'impossible or possible'

The possible impossible

He digs in
As his heart pounds
Sweat pouring from his brow
Taking it in
Roars and whistles blowing
The constant ache fades away
He digs in
Passing them by, the crowd cries
Roaring its approval, pushing
Taking it in
He runs the fastest lap
His short life has ever seen
He digs in
As the finish meets him
In an embrace of like minds

copyright Vickie Johnstone

Thanks for reading!! :)

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