
Monday 27 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 27: White noise

Hi, I’m doing NaPoWriMo on The challenge is to write a poem a day in April.  

For Day 27, the optional prompt was to write a poem in the form of a review, of something that isn’t normally reviewed. I failed on this, but have a go.

Today I haven’t followed the prompt. I couldn’t get to sleep until gone 4am and then I woke around 8am, so I’m pretty tired. The brain is slow and something tells me I’m going to konk out in the afternoon after a very short day! We all know the frustration of not being able to sleep. Ironically, I watched the film Insomnia last night (the Al Pacino version, although I’d like to watch the original). So, here’s a poem about the sound that kept me awake last night.

White noise

Time trickles past three-thirty
And all I want to do is sleep

This hand on my shoulder
Won’t let me go

There’s a distant hum

It isn’t an animal breathing out
But a man-made thing pulsating

All the birds have nested down
Even the sun is slumbering

The trees have twisted inside
Hugging their blankets of foliage


Is this white noise
The heartbeat of the world?

It pumps an even dull tread
Walking in and waking silence

The body reacts to every echo
Of sound, every magnetic


Stuck in eternal night shade
We exist in limbo

Hours and hours and hours

It cuts a knife through quiet
Hear it breathe in


This white noise fanning out
Until it absorbs everything.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, April 27 2020

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