
Tuesday 28 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 28: Room within a room

Hi, I’m doing NaPoWriMo on The challenge is to write a poem a day in April.  

For Day 28, the prompt was to write about a bedroom from your past. This one is part real, part imagination.

This is the prompt for the April 28 poem:
Today’s (optional) prompt is brought to us by the Emily Dickinson Museum. First, read this brief reminiscence of Emily Dickinson, written by her niece. And here is the prompt the museum suggests:

Martha Dickinson Bianchi’s description of her aunt’s cozy room, scented with hyacinths and a crackling stove, warmly recalls the setting decades later. Describe a bedroom from your past in a series of descriptive paragraphs or a poem. It could be your childhood room, your grandmother’s room, a college dormitory or another significant space from your life.

Room within a room

A room within a room,
Without a face.
A series of faint lines
Lightly charcoal-sketched,
Shaded with criss-crosses.

Curtains close out the sun,
Dust balls floating mid-air
Between labyrinthine books.
Papers stretching fingers
Peek in cobwebbed corners.

We listen out for life:
Crisp red heat of baking bread,
Heady sweet grace of tulips,
Straight-backed figurines
Who used to dance once.

Blankets hug the bedstead.
A whale swims on a towel,
Speech lost in a dead tongue.
Terracotta turtle stares, paws
Outstretched in aboriginal art.
It leans against a white wall,
Saying living demands colour.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, April 28, 2020

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