
Tuesday 29 December 2020

A Poem a Day (339): An orange fox & 4 more haiku

An orange fox strides,
a half-body in snowdrifts.
Paws plunge, tail bobbing.
A blackbird carols,
perched on a snowman’s stick pipe.
He listens and smiles.
Pure pearls twirl to earth,
twisting, sink into grey sludge
for boots to slosh through.
Huddled in a box,
Bob waits for change. She arrives,
takes him home to warm.
Slumped, tied to a post,
brown spaniel yelps. A boy stops,
unties the frayed rope.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, December  21, 2020
In the YouTube series of me reciting my poems, here I am reading out these ones. The video goes live at 6pm UK time. Thanks to Graham Fraser for organising this YouTube series. Cheers :)

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