
Wednesday 30 December 2020

Mists of wintry white & 5 more haiku

Some winter haiku from Life’s Rhythms 
(a collection of 365 haiku, published April 2012)
Mists of wintry white
curl like smoke in the mountains,
hide the wolves of old.
Ice blows a blanket,
protects the silent sleeping
bears that birth tonight.
A moonlight whisper,
streaks of cloud fingers twisting.
Silver stars glisten.
In white snow-lain fields
leaps the majestic dance of
the Japanese crane.
Paw prints in the snow –
Whiskers watches from the wall,
white envelops all.
He watches the sky;
dark opens up with twinkling
silver – how it shines.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, April 2012

In the YouTube series of me reciting my poems, here I am reading out these ones. The video goes live at 6pm UK time. Thanks to Graham Fraser for organising this YouTube series. Cheers :)


Smashwords (ebook is free)
Kobo (ebook is free)
Barnes & Noble (ebook is free)
Thanks :) 

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