
Thursday 31 December 2020

NYE poem: Man in the Moon

A poem for NY Eve. I wrote it back in June, but it seems a fitting, hopeful one for today. Happy New Year. I hope 2021 brings you joy, health and good things.
Man in the Moon
This curved moon lifts and strides
in time with a streak of stars
glittering on pitch-black shores.
He slumbers still, doesn’t stir,
this sprightly Man in the Moon,
whose sole function is to study
humanity, nature, this full globe,
nurturing each deserving thing.
He dreams of peace and love,
wraps it up in a melancholy song,
peeling off hate, pain and cruelty.
He annihilates guns and strife,
changing them into wildflowers.
He revives each extinct species
and protects the ones remaining.
He halts cancers of the body,
pathogens of the glorious mind.
In this arc of the silvery moon,
in wistful slumber he creates
a perfected version of it all.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, June 17, 2020
In the YouTube series of me reciting my poems, here I am reading out these ones. The video goes live at 6pm UK time. Thanks to Graham Fraser for organising this YouTube series. Cheers :)

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