Thursday 17 October 2024

A Poem a Day (694): Glow

We beat high, beat low,
drum the sacred earth with dry feet,
sweep dust into a prism of heat,
whip pure motion into power,
step inside the energy of each,
hearing the rattle of the charmer.
Gold shimmers, snakes, feels
its way in streaks & wavering lines,
red silk twists, lifts, spirals out,
this glow an echo of an old record,
and we are free for a moment,
we are one, and we are life.
Vickie Johnstone, October 17, 2024

Tuesday 15 October 2024

A Poem a Day (693): Drop

It’s a fall of water, musical notes,
first floating, then thick, heavy,
repetitive, too out of tune.
A repeat that will not fade out.
The tap locked. Windows closed.
No escape from interlocking sound.
It comes in waves some days.
In others it’s an uncuttable record.
No pause. No erasure. No lightening
of the load. It just is. Unstoppable.
You could blink & fall out of space,
the end never in sight, but shrouded,
somewhere deep into dark.
A well no one throws a coin in.
You don’t speak for an endless time
if you cannot find your voice.
In the tumult. In the wilderness.
Out there in the nothing it now is.
We scurry forth like ants, directionless,
seek solace, a guide, a measure of the thing.
And the world ticks on, full-forward,
while we sit staring at the clock now locked.
They say a prism can become a prison
if you choose to stare into it too long.
A walkway can become too narrow,
the memory of a raindrop the weightiest load.
Just a postcard with a benign address,
stamped with a face you never knew.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, October 15, 2024

A Poem a Day (692): Solace

Morning is as evening was,
shutters clamped, the blue wrestles in,
motions in the egg-yolk sun full-stamped
with sweeps of white, pink streaks of light.
Left to our solitary reinvented selves
we climb the walls of our cluttered minds,
think upon boredom as a quieting sigh,
make plans only to procrastinate and dream
a while.
Evening is as morning was,
starlight flown across a void of dark voices,
countering the elements, seldom reined back,
and we stack our dreams against twilight’s verse.
We will be lost until we are found.
Above, the blackbirds sit lulled into silence
as we wander barefoot through dewy grass,
peek through jaded leaves to see the dawn
blink in.
Morning is as morning could be,
and we rise with the lark, open senses,
welcome the day in mindful gratitude,
curious to see in another year’s restart.
Open a book, pick up a pen, visual on paper,
play a note, sing a lullaby, greet the early bird.
We hunt inspiration outside our sheltered selves,
seek conversation and a connection in time,
become alive.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, October 15, 2024

Sunday 22 September 2024

A Poem a Day (691): Eco blue

Prompt: write a poem of at least 10 lines in which each line begins with the same word. This technique of beginning multiple lines with the same word or phrase is called anaphora.

Eco blue

We are as the turn of glass-blown water,
we are motion in the wear of light.
We slide as we sink as we pull to bear,
we reshape, translucent, hesitant to be.
We cup our hands to hold an entire ocean.
We are as the seas drift to ebb and part,
we hold firm as the pull becomes our angst.
We cut a line across our open palms, touch,
we feel the cord, this invisible bond between.
We are the breath we share in waves.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, September 22, 2024

Thursday 5 September 2024

A Poem a Day (690): The maybe

The word is as it was, as it always did appear,
as it should, as a filler, as a kind of maybe,
and so we choose how we say it, think it, spend it,
while it screws up its expression at the light, redraws
how it thinks we will read it, imagine it into being.
This is the question in the answer, the foreboding,
the way we guess without surety, without a window.
We stand still in the deluge that cannot guide us,
create a compass in the imprints of our own feet,
follow where they carry us as if they made a bargain,
because we cannot always remember the way,
or we cannot always find a way to remember it.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, September 5, 2024

Tuesday 3 September 2024

A Poem a Day (689): Alight

They stand in line,
ushered in by the west wind,
cards majestic without pose,
neither Jack nor Queen nor King,
pegged to split this nestled earth
and yet they anchor us still.
They harbour ghosts with no direction,
pursue history and press pause.
Grey wolves brush their limbs, listen
to their whispers, marking ground,

but lightning cannot hide its vengeance,
and struck these matchsticks light.
Glowing leaves in flight chase scarlet.
From a dip in the hills comes a streak
of sirens, the battle cry of the many
come to save nature’s living awe.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, September 3, 2024

Monday 2 September 2024

A Poem a Day (688): Worn slippers

Recoil in sheets and pillows,
blankets of driven snow,
a smothering of words.
The gap widens to a chasm
no bridge can traverse,
just a cookie-filled dip.
An empty juncture, cooler
with the passage of time,
it becomes impassable.
One turns off the light at night,
one sits up and reads a fantasy.
And never the two shall meet.
The only warmth in between
is the golden dog. And sometimes
even he finds it too cold.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, September 2, 2024

A Poem a Day (687): Ours

I open my hands to take yours.
You open your hands to take mine.
This lack of space devours.
No time outside of travel,
magic without a single left word.
We could drown like this.
Or we can rise.
The moment is futureless,
It does not even feature beyond this room.
It only is.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, September 2, 2024

A Poem a Day (686): An urn

Set sail upon a silenced space
of many splintered seas, cast-off
stamped cases, spent places, memories,
all shaken inside snow plastic effigies.
Morning comes, sees and fades out.
Darkness tends to hide itself away
if it is too tired to search the stars.
Containers can only hold so much.
Into this closeted urn a little each day,
a thought here, story there, a feeling,
regrets, crayon faces from childhood.
There is no deluge, only a plodding ebb.
A shadow could just be a curtain dusting,
some days haunt more than others.
So the urn may need to crack or splinter
into a million pieces to become whole.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, September 2, 2024

Friday 30 August 2024

A Poem a Day (685): Circling

Always, it was to drift, circling,
an eagle in flight, place to place
amid spaces, finding form in motion,
being just to be and breathe
simplicity, outside the spin
of a world in chaos.
Sneak inside to the quiet,
tip up the shade and hide.
The blue mountain sits rigid,
the amber sky continues to stare down
and the dusky sea is ever in roar.
Anchors in, and we are still.
The signpost points myriad ways,
with and without direction,
here, there, and the wherewithal.
Seeking the compass, due north,
we stand. Breathe in the sea air,
taste the salt. And wait.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, August 30, 2024