Wednesday, 15 January 2025

A Poem a Day (700): Jagged

The sky is a jagged blue sometimes.
Red letters etch from A to Z,
stop midway. We curse the light,
prefer the night, the edgeway,
a belief we can still be something.
Echoes imprint within our souls,
linked til we share this open blue.
We eat alone in restaurants,
listening to the rain wipe music.
Too much of this time relies on instinct,
a guess skimmed across a silent lake.
We pour what we are out of our being
in a bid to connect & we are generous
with our selves, nothing to hide.
Laid bare, we spin records of old bands,
play back the way we were before.
There are echoes, so we draw a curtain.
There are even times we echo too.
The magician walks a tightrope to the sky,
pulls a white rabbit from a stiff hat.
A girl watches it scamp, twitch its nose,
recalls her six-year-old self on a tiny farm,
holding this life in her bare arms,
grins at her mother loitering in the dark.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, January 15, 2025

A Poem a Day (699): December train poems



The water-bearer revels in blue,
scoops dripping earth in supple hands,
smells the drenched woven moss
where gravel paths traipse under waking stars.
Globules streak down silent canvases,
ideas woken by a single thought.
Somewhere, an urn will empty out,
its ridges worn by the prints of fingers,
an individual script of the heart.
We stroke passion with a palette knife.

The shark
Stone-grey on pristine sand, sunk in,
stripped bare of watery hands,
smooth backbone, ribless hide,
curved yet curveless, as if at rest,
land-ripped and swum out,
its etched prints obliterated
by human feet and racing paws.

Whole, it drifted in on the wrung tide,
mortally wounded. It lingers now
in black and white review,
almost entertainment, an awakening
to the fate of the oceans deep.
We remain as a shield, all muttering
our five-minute silence beneath sound.


Motion breaks, swift recall,
steam exhausts, fuels a language
written in grey out of jest.

The watchers stand as bookends,
nod like magpies, silenced out.

Idle hands accomplish nothing new
without inspiration, a truce.

We lend knowledge unwritten,
a dial without a single number,
the contrary grown so fine
that no line exists at all.

The lamb

Dew-set, the open track yawns,
awaits the entry of the crop.

A lone lamb stands adrift of the flock,
stares down a valley of wildflowers.
Clouds flick their pearl cirrus wave.

Forlorn trees, a jive of limbs,
signposts to the effervescent breeze.

A red hand marks her hide,
the stamp of ownership too loud
to be forgotten. It stands forgiven.

In ignorance, the flock devour
the land, fail to check her wandering path,
leading her far from these verdant hills.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, December 2024

A Poem a Day (698): Womankind


Curves etched from baking sand.
A scarlet desert in my mind
births stripped leaves of emerald green.
So I am known. The sky the shyest tint
of ocean blue, burning anew,
washing me of all I thought I ever knew.
And so we stand in the full wide open,
arms outspread, eyes tightly closed,
for we are here, newly awakened.
We feel the sun’s hands on our faces,
the warmest breath of air,
and the knowledge we are loved.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, December 22, 2024

A Poem a Day (697): Sound bath

Sound bath

A tone-out, zone-out,
pure rush of layer upon layer spent,
this slide of water gushing out.
Bubbles flatten into spiral calm,
transport you high into starry realms
entering into dark. A step-out,
a tearing out of the humdrum
thoughts & echoes of your mind
until there is no movement,
only quiet, afloat on the ripples
where you dream sometime to be.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, December 21, 2024

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

A Poem a Day (696): The ruby heart

The ruby heart
The ruby heart, it glows, it breathes,
knows itself yet truly no one else.
It lives within. It sings a song sometimes,
only to itself, a low, languorous rhyme,
keeps home in its ribcage, draws itself in,
its trivial humour a shield.
With the years it grows wise,
yet still no wiser than it was. Childlike,
it sometimes beats with wild abandon,
loves with an ardency it had forgot,
how it burned in the decades before,
and yet it was always there, buried deep.
Other times it is silent, at rest out to sea,
in the calm before the uncalculated storm.
The ruby heart can only be what it is,
it cannot flit to suit another’s whim
or pretend to be something it is not.
It is only a gem. This little precious thing.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, November 20, 2024

A Poem a Day (695): Talons & other poems


I wrote some little poems for JD Mader’s weekend writing exercise, 2minutesgo, in the morning on Sunday, while waiting for my dinner to cook. Head to his website every weekend to write about about anything you like. It’s mainly flash fiction.



A puzzle with no end,
the one true road rain-drenched
of meaning, this guide sidelined.

Rest within the pit of pages,
wrestle with the how and the why,
how the wild must be tamed,

except the eagle will always need
to soar & the grey wolf run free,
no matter the myriad ties & blocks.


Inside a talisman, the eye,
an amethyst vision
the sky could not hold
lest it turn the sunrise out,
& bereft of nature’s burn
we shift. An acreage hides us,
shades us from the night,
wakes us with a blackbird’s call
in emerald light, leaves shrugging,
as if we should never doubt
their incurable care.

His muse

If only she had behaved,
he said, as though she were a pet.
He beat the dog,
but the dog was allowed a daily walk,
so she was below him
in order of rank in his house.

He was all about power, control,
undermining & reinventing,
but history is not a wheel
and she neither wood nor stone.
She held out for a hero,
but no one came, only the storm.

From her turret in the pearl clouds,
she could only stare down,
the old world so estranged now,
betwixt the brambles & the moon.


His words were like a lullaby,
soft & low, a murmur of a rhyme.

You were blessed to hear it
for he did not speak so often,
not since the forgetting time,
the drift & shift between the firelight,
a breaking, a split that roared
into a chasm of bleed. Days spin
& glide to a sharp edge sometimes,
the out of tune only feel the grit,
the solitary drip of seconds on repeat,
when time stopped. The cat curls,
ginger fur entwined with scarlet flame,
fire snapping at dry twigs, pointing.

It’s where he sits & ponders things,
the day he could not freeze,
the moment etched inside, the one
he cannot utter, even to himself.
So sometimes he sings a lullaby
to the one woman he could not save.


Chase the morning
where it dances in blue,
skirts the dripping sun
birthing through cloud.

There is scarlet & there is you,
a mist the rain sent to me,
scent of green & in-between,
a pressing need to hold & know.

Nature's echo

We count lines devoid
of numbers, the zero, the no-show,
the inside out of wilding,
bare leaves drawn & coloured in,
the passing of an ancient storm,
& we are shrouded here in moss,
shrunk to our own raw nature,
our curves becoming rock,
tree roots binding us together.

Copyright Vickie Johnstone, November 17, 2024


Thursday, 17 October 2024

A Poem a Day (694): Glow

We beat high, beat low,
drum the sacred earth with dry feet,
sweep dust into a prism of heat,
whip pure motion into power,
step inside the energy of each,
hearing the rattle of the charmer.
Gold shimmers, snakes, feels
its way in streaks & wavering lines,
red silk twists, lifts, spirals out,
this glow an echo of an old record,
and we are free for a moment,
we are one, and we are life.
Vickie Johnstone, October 17, 2024

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

A Poem a Day (693): Drop

It’s a fall of water, musical notes,
first floating, then thick, heavy,
repetitive, too out of tune.
A repeat that will not fade out.
The tap locked. Windows closed.
No escape from interlocking sound.
It comes in waves some days.
In others it’s an uncuttable record.
No pause. No erasure. No lightening
of the load. It just is. Unstoppable.
You could blink & fall out of space,
the end never in sight, but shrouded,
somewhere deep into dark.
A well no one throws a coin in.
You don’t speak for an endless time
if you cannot find your voice.
In the tumult. In the wilderness.
Out there in the nothing it now is.
We scurry forth like ants, directionless,
seek solace, a guide, a measure of the thing.
And the world ticks on, full-forward,
while we sit staring at the clock now locked.
They say a prism can become a prison
if you choose to stare into it too long.
A walkway can become too narrow,
the memory of a raindrop the weightiest load.
Just a postcard with a benign address,
stamped with a face you never knew.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, October 15, 2024

A Poem a Day (692): Solace

Morning is as evening was,
shutters clamped, the blue wrestles in,
motions in the egg-yolk sun full-stamped
with sweeps of white, pink streaks of light.
Left to our solitary reinvented selves
we climb the walls of our cluttered minds,
think upon boredom as a quieting sigh,
make plans only to procrastinate and dream
a while.
Evening is as morning was,
starlight flown across a void of dark voices,
countering the elements, seldom reined back,
and we stack our dreams against twilight’s verse.
We will be lost until we are found.
Above, the blackbirds sit lulled into silence
as we wander barefoot through dewy grass,
peek through jaded leaves to see the dawn
blink in.
Morning is as morning could be,
and we rise with the lark, open senses,
welcome the day in mindful gratitude,
curious to see in another year’s restart.
Open a book, pick up a pen, visual on paper,
play a note, sing a lullaby, greet the early bird.
We hunt inspiration outside our sheltered selves,
seek conversation and a connection in time,
become alive.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, October 15, 2024

Sunday, 22 September 2024

A Poem a Day (691): Eco blue

Prompt: write a poem of at least 10 lines in which each line begins with the same word. This technique of beginning multiple lines with the same word or phrase is called anaphora.

Eco blue

We are as the turn of glass-blown water,
we are motion in the wear of light.
We slide as we sink as we pull to bear,
we reshape, translucent, hesitant to be.
We cup our hands to hold an entire ocean.
We are as the seas drift to ebb and part,
we hold firm as the pull becomes our angst.
We cut a line across our open palms, touch,
we feel the cord, this invisible bond between.
We are the breath we share in waves.
Copyright Vickie Johnstone, September 22, 2024