I wrote a first draft of this poem last night at about half-midnight just before going to sleep. And I've posted it on JD Mader's writing blog - click here - so if you fancy writing or reading other people's writing, head over there for a scribble. You can also find out about JD's writing and his cool books. He has a kind of melodic rap in his writing style. The poem below is the second draft and a bit longer than the original. Have a groovy Saturday.
prisms turning,
starkest shine,
and here in glass
we reside.
of the surging
rush of sea below
and cloak
ourselves in the cyan eyes
of the stillest
tranquil sky above,
view laughing dolphins
arching loops
over these aching
oceans deep
with scarlet love,
and we ourselves
are but glass, cut-outs
spilling ideas,
a realm of secret
colour undefined,
steadfast, yet
ever breakable,
our fragility
misting our acumen.
and yet we dwell
beside them,
knowing how
brittle are our bones.
new and old, spectres
breathing in grey,
mirrors of all the
things we have lived,
all the facets
that make us human,
our passions, our guileless
all so steeped in
hue, in so fragile words,
and yet we can
never be forsaken
to one another.
For we are, in our minds,
as we are, purest