Friday 9 November 2012

The Indie Exchange #FlashFiveFriday: Friendship

It's Friday Flash time again...

The prompt is...

#FlashFiveFriday is a weekly flash fiction/flash blogging prompt run by The Indie Exchange.

The rules are very simple if you’d like to take part:
1) Write for no longer than five minutes;
2) No upper or lower word limits;
3) You must write something new;
4) You can prepare your post ahead of time but the 5 minute limit still applies; and
5) If you add your blog post to the weekly linky you must visit five other blogs that week too to show your support.

Click the link to read other people's flashies...     
Why not give it a go?

Here is mine:


Gazing up into
The eye of the silver moon
He remembers all

A small boy running
Across a field of white blooms
Chasing a red kite

He raced to catch him
Before he could grab the rope
Of the trailing tail

Summer lasted long
Warm days drifted together -
How he misses them

Life was so simple
Friendship was easy, chasing
A twisting red kite


  1. Love the poem, Vickie. Really great imagery!

    1. Thanks. Funny thing is, I've never flown a kite. It looks fun though! :)

  2. Great poem, Vickie.

    Love the imagery here. I think we all miss the simplicity of our earliest years at times.

    1. Yeah, things definitely seemed simpler and the days a hell of a lot longer :)

  3. Thanks for sharing this, Vickie. It's a lovely reflection of the times we long for childhood again!

    1. Thanks. I love the prompts cos they get you thinking :)

  4. Hey, for some reason I'm having trouble commenting on here..darned funky connections, lol. I really loved this, Vickie! I always look forward to your submissions...poetry is something I love and just have no talent for, so really appreciate it in others. Thanks!

    1. Thanks JC! I love your writing style too. It stands out. It's rich and layered :)


Thanks for commenting :)